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For Mental Health Professionals


This is a space for mental health professionals wanting to help their clients who struggle in their relationship with their food, body and exercise.

Have you watched your clients struggling to control their weight and health only to end up steeped in shame? Hyper-focused on their food and body and feeling like a hopeless failure?


Looking for some help? You're in the right place!

I want to help you become a more effective and safer support for your clients who struggle with their
food, body and exercise. 

Follow These 3 Simple Steps to Get Started


Watch my YouTube playlist for Mental Health Professionals

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Join the Eat Intuit Subscriber list for Mental Health Professionals

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Join the Subscriber List for Mental Health Professionals

When you subscribe, you’ll get:

  • A monthly email with helpful resources for both you and your clients.

  • Access to trainings that’ll teach you about the weight neutral, anti diet, Health At Every Size, and Intuitive Eating approaches from a perspective that is rooted in Scripture and backed by research. 

  • Tools to help you to take what you’re learning and implement it into your own practice.

  • Exclusive Q&As where I answer your questions and support you as you help your clients.

  • Opportunities to network with other Mental Health Professionals who are on the same journey as you.

  • The chance to request future topics and resources that are important to you and your clients.

You're all set! Keep an eye out for your welcome email


Do I have to be Christian or work with Christian clients in order to join?

Not at all! I believe all Mental Health Professionals could benefit from having an anti diet approach in their tool box. If you and/or your clients don't identify as Christian, some of the materials won't be relevant to you, but I think that plenty of it will. 

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